Our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based (CBT) programs are designed to help children, teens and young adults dealing with anxiety, stress and depression by showing them how to develop the skills needed to stop negative thoughts and start thinking and behaving in more positive ways. COPE2Thrive Online and Manual-based Programs have have been delivered to over 17,800 children and teens in 49 U.S. states.

For far less than the cost of just one session with a therapist/counselor ($125-$150/session), the COPE Teen Online Program teaches children, teens and young adults how to recognize and stop automatic negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts instead. The result is feeling emotionally better and behaving in healthy ways

Click the arrows below to see short clips from the COPE 7-Session Teen Online Educational Program.

The online, self-administered 7-session program is a self-help, cognitive-behavioral skills-building intervention educational program only and is not meant to diagnose or provide treatment for a particular disease or illness. The goal of this educational program is to teach children and teens how to recognize negative thought patterns, and provide cognitive behavioral skills and techniques that can be useful in modifying negative thinking.