Placing an Order - Hard Copy Manuals

Please note: Manuals are available to only COPE Trained Instructors (eligibility confirmation is required).

All manuals are copyrighted. Any unauthorized copying or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Problems with your order? Please contact us here.

To place an order for a manual:


1. Click the CONFIRM ELIGIBILITY button.

2. Fill in and SUBMIT the Eligibility Confirmation form.


Once your eligibility to purchase manuals has been confirmed, a link will be emailed to you to complete the purchase (please note: eligibility confirmation may take up to 3 days to complete).

Confirmed Eligible Professionals: To avoid this "Eligibility Confirmation" step in the future, please bookmark the Order Form Link sent to you by email.


If you are a student purchasing a manual for your class, please use the below button to place your order.